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May 12, 2017 in the framework of the Month of quality in cardiologic departments of the City cardiological center conducted patient education on the issues of hypertension, is dedicated to the world Day of struggle with arterial hypertension.

April 7, 2017 from 12:00 to 18:00 Almaty city cardiology center In order to diagnose and timely provide medical care to patients with cardiology, conducted the "Open Day". Open Day was dedicated to Worldwide Health Day. Within the framework of this event, the Center was visited by 195 people. An electrocardiographic study, a consultation of cardiologists was conducted to everyone.

An "Open Day" will be hold in Almaty city cardiological center on the 07th of April, 2017 within the framework of the State Program «Densaulyk» for 2016 – 2019, dedicated to the Health Day. Time: since 12-00 a.m till 18-00 p.m. Aim: diagnosis and timely medical care to patients with cardiac diseases.

SCE on PVC "City cardiological center" within the month quality, approved by the department of health Almaty, held with Kazakh pop stars.

Олар - бейбіт күннің батырлары. Олар күнделікті адам өмірін ажалдан арашалап, ешкімге жар салмай-ақ, ерлік жасайды. Ортамызда жүрген хирург мамандардың өмірі - мүлде бөлек әлем. Әсіресе, адамның ана құрсағына біткен сәттен бастап соғатын жүрегін тоқтатып қойып, оған ота жасайтын кардиохирург мамандардың ісі - нағыз ерлікке пара-пар екеніне дауласу қиын.

The interview of Almaty cardiological center's Director to the newspaper "Kazakhstanskaya Pravda"

On the 21th of February on the basis of Almaty cardiological center was held a scientific-practical conference with the participation of Professor Nifontov E. M. (First Saint Petersburg State Medical University named after Pavlov). The theme of conference: "Modern approaches to the prevention of stroke in non-valve atrial fibrillation"

On the 3rd of February of 2017 was held a career fair in Central clinical hospital of Almaty. The motto of the fair was “Choose the prestigious profession!. Cardiological center of Almaty also took part in this activity. Stand-banner of the Center, booklets and handouts were exhibited. The organization of the fair has been highly appreciated by visitors.

January 31, 2017 on the basis of the Almaty Cardiological Center within the framework of the World Winter Universiade roundtable discussions were held. The theme was "Modern algorithms for medical treatment and control of drug-resistant forms of hypertension." Doctors of the center, internship doctors, general practitioners of PHC, teaching staff of Kazakh national medical university took part in thisroundtable.

Doctors of Almaty cardiological center saved the life of FISU member during Winter Universiade. 66-years old guest had heart attack at the event( according to NUR.KZ.)