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Employees of the City cardiological center took an active part in the V International Congress "Health for all", which was held in Almaty on 21-22 June 2017

Employees of the City cardiological center took an active part in the V International Congress "Health for all", which was held in Almaty on 21-22 June 2017. The purpose of it was the realisation of the message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev "Third modernizacija Kazakhstan: global competitiveness" and the State program for health development "Densaulyk" for the years 2016-2019 as part of the implementation of the system of mandatory social medical insurance.

A report on: Organization of emergency cardiology service of Almaty were made by the Director, candidate of medical science Kogabaev A. T.

He noted that diseases of the circulatory system are the most important issues of world and domestic public health in the twenty-first century. They are socially significant. BSK take a leading position among causes of death and disability in the adult population, as well as in economically developed countries and in countries with low and middle incomes. The lecturer dwelled on the organization of emergency care in the city, the prospects of the development of cardiology services asimprove the continuity of care between levels of care, the introduction of innovative medical technologies, open PCI center based on one of the multispecialty hospitals of the city, the adoption of digital medicine in clinics and hospitals.

The implementation of the roadmap on implementation of the integrated model of medical care in acute myocardial infarctionThe state program "Densaulyk" in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2016 –2019. in the city undoubtedly contribute to the reduction of mortality from cardiovascular disease.

It should be noted that in the framework of the Congress the doctor the resuscitation of Jamalov B. won a Gift certificate for a trip to Moscow to participate in the scientific-practical conference "Modern aspects of quality of life studies in healthcare" on November 10-11, 2017 years.