In the City Cardiology Center has 6 cardiology departments for every 40 beds, provides emergency special medical care within the guaranteed volume of free medical care the population of all area of Almaty, except Zhetysu and commercial department with 20 beds.

To improve the quality of emergency care composed of all departments detailed chamber therapy subintensive
In the departments created modern very favorable condition for visit patients.
In the department works qualified specialists, with extensive experience in cardiology, and well-trained middle and junior medical personnel.
Many specialists have been trained, traineeship in the near and far abroad.

Wide develops work within the conclusion Memorandum cooperation with clinics and universities in South Korea: Clinic Severance (Severance) at Ense University, Seoul city, Clinic Sejong (Sejong General Hospital), Seoul city.

Our 6 doctors have been trained under theseMemorandum at wokk clinics in Korea.

Department designes for extra treatment patients sharp forms ischemic heart disease: unstable angina and extra myocardial infarction; complicated forms of hypertension; myocarditis and other diseases of the cardiovascular system in the stage of decompensation.

Doctors successfully applied on practice aii modern scientific-technical advances in medicine and cardiology for diagnose and treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Preparation held surgical interventions, coronary angiography, implantation pacemakers.

The activities implemented «Quality Management System» standard ISO 9001-2008 (Sertifikat № KZ.7500207/07/03/00209).

Cardiology is a clinical base of several departments KazNMU them. SD Asfendiyarov и Almaty Medical College:

  • The Department of internship and residency in therapy 3 KazNMU- head of department professor, doctor of medical sciences Iskakov BS
  • Department of ambulance and emergency medical care and internal diseases №2 KazNMU- professor, doctor of medical sciences Turlanov KM
  • The Department of internship and residency in therapy 1 KazNMU- head of department professor, doctor of medical sciences Berkinbaev SF
  • The Department of internship and residency in therapy 2 KazNMU- head of department professor, doctor of medical sciences Aydargalieva NE
  • Department of Cardiovascular Surgery KazNMU- head of department professor, doctor of medical sciences Egemberdiev TZ
  • The introduction of practice nurse case in Almaty Medical College.