At SCE on PVC "City cardiological center" UZ Almaty April 25-26, 2017 held a Master class on the theme: "Ensuring patient safety by implementing a closed loop in the extracorporeal circulation during cardiac surgeries". The first day of the Master class was devoted to consultations of patients and preparation for operations.

On the second day there are two transactions:

  • Replacement of the aortic valve using a closed loop, in extracorporeal support;
  • Plasty of the mitral valve using a closed loop, in extracorporeal support.

Then the discussions of operations.
The relevance of the question. Use during cardiac surgeries in the process of artificial blood circulation of the closed system of highways with soft PVC tank has a positive effect on the hemodynamic properties of blood during artificial circulation and in the postoperative period. The main idea of using closed loop is to minimize contact of the blood elements with the surface of the tank and the air, which leads to more sustainable behaviour of blood during cardiopulmonary bypass. Also in this circuit is used centrifugal pump, mainly to reduce the traumatic factor roller pump hemolysis of blood cells. At this session the staff introduced new probably extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, tactics cardiac surgeon and a perfusionist.